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Best Testing Tools Training Institute in Hyderabad

100% Job-Oriented Training by Industry Experts with Guaranteed Internship and Placement Assistance!

5.0 Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

5.0 Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

4.6 Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Best Testing Tools Training in Hyderabad, Kukatpally and KPHB

Best Testing Tools Training in Hyderabad, Kukatpally and KPHB, Testing Tools training in Kukatpally & KPHB, Hyderabad covers topics from scratch to expert level with lots of real time project examples.

SSSIT Computer Education is rated as one of the best Testing Tools Training Institutes in KPHB, Kukatpally and Hyderabad by trained students. Here Trainers are highly qualified & experienced in delivering Training and Development delivers the content as per industry expectation from a Testing Tools engineer. The Testing Tools Training class consists of more project oriented scenarios with the Industry Aligned Curriculum

What is meant by Manual Testing?

The technique of manually checking software for flaws is known as manual testing. To guarantee proper behavior and provide a high-quality result, a QA must assume the position of an end user and utilize the majority of the application's capabilities. The QA frequently follows a written test plan that guides them through a number of significant test cases in order to guarantee the thoroughness of testing.

Actually, in order to determine which tests should be performed for automated testing, any software program must first undergo manual testing. One can identify the greatest number of potential flaws in the software program by employing a variety of manual testing approaches.

Project Oriented Course Curriculum

You will be exposed to the following Testing Tools training content

  • Manual Testing
    • Introduction to Software Testing
    • Software Development Process
    • Testing Principles
    • Software Development Life Cycle- SDLC
    • Levels of Testing
    • Software Testing Methods
    • Test Approach
    • Software Testing Life Cycle
    • Test Strategy
    • Test Planning
    • Test Case Design
    • Test Engineer Responsibilities
    • Levels of Testing
    • Defect Management
    • Agile process Concepts

  • Project - Manual Testing
    • Introduction to Project
    • Test Scenario Preparation
    • Test Case Preparation
    • Test Data Preparation

  • Core Java
    • Introduction to Java
    • Configuring Eclipse
    • Data types and Variables
    • Conditional Statements
    • Loop Statements
    • Class Objects
    • Encapusulation
    • Inheritance
    • Polymorphism
    • Interface & Abstract class
    • Exception Handling
    • Collections

  • Selenium
    • Introduction to Selenium
    • Selenium Webdriver
    • Locators
    • Text Field, Radio Buttons, CheckBox, Links, Buttons
    • DropDown, Alerts, Frames
    • ActionClass, WebTable
    • TakeScreenshot
    • Synchronization
    • TestNG
    • Apache POI
    • Automation Life Cycle

  • SQL
    • Introduction
    • Types of SQL commands
    • Data Base Design and Creation
    • Working with Tables
    • Data Integrity
    • JOINS

  • Project - Selenium
    • Introduction to Automation Tesing
    • Introduction to Selenium Components
    • Creating Automtion Environment Setup
    • Generating Scripts
    • Implementing FrameWork

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Software Testing Tools: What Are They?

Software testing tools are crucial for software or application development. There are a lot of tools available. While some are paid, others are open-source. The primary distinction between paid and open-source tools is that the former have less features than the latter, whereas commercial or paid tools have more functionality. Whether the tools are free or expensive, their use will be determined by the user's needs. Software testing tools are categorized according to the technology utilized, the sort of testing, the licensing (commercial or open source), and online penetration testing tools. By using test tools, we can reduce the amount of testing that is done by hand and improve the performance of our program to produce high-quality software. Enroll in SSSIT's online training program for testing tools in KPHB.

The following categories apply to the software testing tools:

  • A Tool for managing tests
  • A tool for tracking bugs
  • A tool for automated testing
  • Tool for performance testing
  • Tool for cross-browser testing
  • Tool for integration testing
  • A tool for unit testing
  • Testing tool for Android and mobile
  • Tool for GUI testing
  • Tool for security testing

Tools for Software Testing

The following are some of the most popular software testing tools:

In addition to managing automation and manual tests, testing environments, and planning and monitoring manual testing, testing management software is used to quickly track all testing activities and data analysis.

This program can be used to guarantee the creation of a high-quality product and to track defects that have been fixed. In order to ensure that the data on the server for production is flawless, this tool will assist us in identifying errors during the testing phase. Users can report problems and bugs directly to their apps using these options.

It is possible to use these kinds of tool-based automation testing solutions to improve the product's accuracy and efficiency. By writing tests in all programming languages, it can reduce the program's time and cost.

Applications can be tested for scalability, load, and stability using performance or load testing tools. We need load testing tools to solve this type of issue when n users use the program at once and the application crashes as a result of the high demand.

When we need to compare a web application across several web browser platforms, we utilize this kind of tool. It is a crucial component in project development. These tools will help us make that the application behaves consistently across a variety of platforms, devices, and browsers.

This kind of tool is used to test the interface between modules, identify any serious issues that may arise from the various modules, and make sure that every module is operating in accordance with the needs of the customer.

This type of mobile application testing tool. While some of these tools are licensed, others are open-source. Every tool has a range of capabilities.

GUI tests are used to assess the user interface of an application. An application that has a well-designed graphical user interface (GUI) is always a terrific way to get consumers' attention. These tools aid in locating any design problems in the software and can improve its functionality.

This program is used to check for security holes and confirm that software is secure. If a security flaw exists, it can be fixed as soon as the software is developed. This kind of technology is used when software encodes a security code that unauthorized users cannot access.

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